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The Health of the Eurasier


Compared to some others, the Eurasier is a healthy breed. However, there are still some health issues with the breed that could be encountered.


Environmental Factors

To be healthy does not just mean an absence of sickness, it also means the mind and body should be in good shape.

A healthy mind means that the Eurasier should be offered stimulating activities, be exposed to different stimuli, and be allowed opportunities for socialization. He must also be kept with the family, in the house as a family member.

A Eurasier’s body is built to move, to run, and to play. We can be proud that the Eurasier is among those dog breeds that can still enjoy this elementary form of fun, that are agile, fast, and love a good run

It is a known fact that nutrition and exercise can influence the soundness of a young dog’s bones and joints.

    • Among the many aspects of nutrition, the one factor that is critical to a puppy’s soundness is that it not grow too fast, unduly stressing the joints and causing pain.
    • There should be plenty of exercise and play, however, repetitive high impact or twisting movements should be avoided.

    Genetic Factors

    Eurasiers are closely monitored for the following two hereditary skeletal issues:

    Hip Dysplasia (HD):

    This is a condition where the head of the femur does not fit correctly into the pelvic pan. This results in a difficult gait for the dog. Frequently, arthritis also develops in the dysplastic hip joint, a very painful combination for the dog.

    There are different rating systems that determine the degree of  hip dysplasia. These could, for example, evaluate hips as A to E, excellent to bad, or a simple pass / fail. To determine the HD rating, the Eurasier is xrayed, usually between one to two years of age, by a specialized veterinarian.

    To qualify for breeding, a Eurasier must be free of Hip Dysplasia.

    Patellar Luxation:

    The patella is the kneecap that rides in a groove at the bottom of the femur. If the patella pops out of this groove, that causes the dog to limp. The patella should not come out of its groove at all. Again, there are different degrees of this condition ranging from grade 1 to grade 4, depending on how quickly and easily the patella  pops. Patellar luxation is caused by a congenital abnormality, usually at the level of the hip joint.

    To qualify for breeding, a Eurasier must be free of Patella Luxation.


    The other major genetic health issues are:


    This condition occures when the thyroid gland does not function as it should and becomes underactive.. The thyroid influences many body functions from hair condition to fertility. It is essential  for a healthy dog to have a well functioning thyroid gland. While it is not always easy to see the symptoms and it is often misdiagnosed, a blood test can reveal the condition, and treatment is easy;  supplemental thyroid hormones can be administered orally.

    The ECC recommends that Eurasiers be tested for this condition prior to breeding.


    This refers to a condition where one or more eyelashes are found in an abnormal spot on either the upper or lower eyelid. They often don’t cause any problems, but depending on the position and number of these extra lashes, they could irritate the eyes, or lead to inflammation or corneal ulcers.

    Eurasiers are checked in order to avoid mating two partners with excessive distichiae.


    the border of the eyelid rolling in toward the eye can cause real discomfort to the dog affected, and those dogs are not allowed to breed. The eyeball is constantly irritated, and the constant friction causes infections.


    This is the eyelid that doesn’t fit!  The border of the eyelid rolls outward. The eye can never be totally closed, and thus is prone to irritation of all kinds. Again, these dogs are not allowed to breed.


    Since the earliest days of the Eurasier in Germany, breeders tried to reduce genetically influenced problems. The population base for the breed was small at first, so it was difficult to manage this challenge. Over time, generation after generation was checked and monitored. Whole families and lines were analysed and reviewed, and new matings were planned accordingly, taking the previous results and history into consideration.  This care and attention to the genetic health of the breed continues today in the Eurasier Club of Canada.

    To better understand the effectiveness and health of their lines, the breeders within the ECC encourage their new puppy owners to have  their young Eurasiers checked for these conditions, and thus help the breed stay healthy.

    Screening the breeding stock alone is not enough; to reduce the guesswork inherent in breeding, the feedback of every Eurasier puppy owner is urgently needed.

    A healthy Eurasier is a well functioning Eurasier. Healthy breeding pairs, daily exercise and play, family life, and quality nutrition all combine to help keep the Eurasier the wonderful companion that we know and cherish.







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